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Tiffany Studios, Turtleback desk lamp
Item # 70340
YEAR SOLD: Unavailable

SOLD PRICE: $20,500

Tiffany Studios, Turtleback Desk Lamp

This is the third turtleback swivel desk lamp that I've owned in the last year and it's KILLER -- not only the best in the last year, but the best ever!  After I cleaned off all of the soot that accumulated over the years on the shade, the iridescence shimmered in every color of the rainbow.  (The photo at the left is BEFORE I cleaned the shade.) When the lamp is on, the deep emerald green color of the glass shows through.  Everything is as it should be -- the white glass liners are original and intact; the patina is a 10; the jewels and the socket are original.  The only thing that's been changed is the wiring to make it electrically safe.  Signed.  This lamp will not last long.